Making Your Data Work For You
Custom App Development
Design & Development
Define what you need for your business; we design user-friendly solutions, hear your needs expressed and find solutions to meet your desired outcome, interpret verbiage and ask probing questions to create solutions to meet your usage needs.
We will do the research and find solutions that serve your business, elevating your productivity, speeding up the processes, and giving you usable data to enhance your business processes
Spreadsheet/Excel Customization & Automation
Do you find yourself/staff doing the same chore over and over? Would you like a button or keyboard shortcut to perform that function?
We can build or clean up the function of a spreadsheet process, automate tasks and simplify processes.
Data visualization is the process of arranging and displaying information in a manner to help others understand the meaning and impact of that data.
Other Services
Data Conversion – Transfer your data from paper-based to digital
FileMaker Pro Conversions – Update your services to the most recent version
FileMaker Server – Deploy one solution to your entire office
Relational Database Solutions – Move from flat-file Excel files to relationally-interconnected FileMaker Pro files to track your data in an easier and more complete manner
Mobile Solutions – Use FM Go to access data on iPads & iPhones
Web Services – Would you like to make your company’s data accessible through a web browser? Allow customers or employees to log in remotely and update their data.
FileMaker File Audit Services – If you have inherited a FileMaker solution, or developed one internally, we can review your file for performance and architectural improvement. Together we can develop a smooth and sustainable system
Mentoring, Training & Ongoing Support
Maybe you know FileMaker pretty well and use it in your business. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could just email or call a friend to get some help when needed? We can do that for you! — Contact us about getting an ongoing support program.
We know your staff is invaluable. We understand though, that within a company there are varying degrees of competency with computers and software. That is why we design quality custom FileMaker solutions that are accessible to all skill levels without sacrificing the complexity you require in your software.